- Kashif Khan
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- 3 Pillars Of Optimal Health: Protection
3 Pillars Of Optimal Health: Protection
How to protect yourself from today's toxic load
Our bodies are not designed to handle the volume of toxins we’re exposed to today.
They’re everywhere—in our air, water, food, clothing, and even toilet paper.
As a result, people are sick.
On day 1 of this 3-Day Miniseries, I will cover the three most harmful environmental toxins and how you can protect yourself from them.
How to Approach Detox
First, it is important to understand how to detoxify your body from these threats.
Most influencers will tell you to buy a supplement to deal with toxins.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work. It’s like being in a sinking boat and scooping out the water instead of patching the holes.
Before adding anything, you must remove first. This approach is more effective and puts you in control since you’re not relying on a supplement.
Once you remove toxins from your environment, you will see many of your problems disappearing. Many people have told me that after they detoxified their environment, their migraines went away, their sleep improved, they had more energy, and their hair stopped falling out.
Your body’s default setting is being healthy. If the conditions are right, this will happen.
Now, let’s discuss the big 3 toxins and how to protect yourself from them.
Toxin #1: EMF
EMFs are harmful waves of energy that are emitted from devices. They’re harmful because they’re sticky. They get stuck in cells and cause inflammation.
I talk about the effects they have on the body in this article.
Unless you live on a remote farm in Alaska, you must pay attention to your EMF exposure—there are over 80,000 research papers exploring how bad they are for humans.
Removing EMFs
Here are some non-negotiables for me when it comes to mitigating EMF.
Toss the AirPods.
EMF readers can measure how much EMF a device is emitting. An EMF reading of 0.5 or greater is considered harmful and causes inflammation.
AirPods emit levels of 8-15, 16-30 times the amount considered dangerous. Using AirPods is like putting your head in a microwave. Instead, purchase wired headphones. They’re cheaper, too.
Shut your wifi off at night.
Shutting off your wifi is an easy way to improve sleep and decrease EMF exposure. Conveniently, wifi routers can be scheduled to shut off automatically at certain times.
Grounding is when you align your body with the frequency of the Earth. You can do this by swimming in a lake, standing barefoot in your lawn, or just touching the Earth.
This is the single most powerful thing you can do to reverse EMF damage.
The Earth emits pEMF, which passes through the body and rinses out harmful EMF.
In tomorrow’s email, Connection, I will give you a full guide on this topic.
Toxin #2: Tap Water
Most water worldwide, especially in the US, is heavily contaminated with toxins.
Microplastics are found in 70% of major water sources worldwide (study)
Hormone disruptors like atrazine, which turns male frogs female, and birth control circulate water sources in the US.
Arsenic is found in water in all 50 states and is a known carcinogen.
Lead leaches from pipes and can cause permanent development and behavioral issues in children.
Flouride makes your bones more brittle and multiple studies show that it makes you dumber.
If you’re curious about the specific chemicals in your water supply, you can enter your zip code in this tool: https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/
Since there are so many different toxins in tap water, understanding each one is unnecessary as long as you know that it should be avoided.
There are a few different ways you can swerve the toxins in tap water:
Drink spring water.
Spring water is the best water you can drink—it is clean, mineral-dense, and structured.
Don’t buy from big brands like Poland Spring. Instead, buy from brands like Mountain Valley, which are packaged in glass, and are real spring water. Or, do your research and find a supplier in your area who sells 5-gallon jugs.
Remove the toxins.
The only way to remove all the toxins from water is by reverse osmosis.
I personally use AquaTru. They’re effective, affordable, and have options for countertops and under-the-sink filters.
Since reverse osmosis water has a low mineral content, you can add mineral salt like Redmond’s to your water. Real mineral salt is not salty, since it contains so many extra minerals.
I will talk more about minerals in day #3 of this miniseries.
Get a shower filter.
As you know, your skin is your biggest organ. When you bathe in steaming tap water, you are absorbing and inhaling all the same chemicals as if you were drinking it.
Investing in a high-quality shower filter that removes a significant portion of chemicals from the water. This one is a good option (no affiliation).
Toxin #3: Endocrine Disrupters
Endocrine disruptors mess with your hormones and cause lots of weird problems in the body. They can mimic your hormones, block natural hormones from binding, or directly interfere with how they’re made.
Here, I will explain the most common ones and how to avoid them.
These are naturally occurring plant compounds that structurally resemble estrogen. They bind to estrogen receptors in the body, exerting estrogenic effects.
Flaxseeds have an extremely high phytoestrogen content— ¼ cup has the equivalent as 20 birth control pills. Avoid granola, cereals, and “health” bars that contain flaxseed.
Soy also has high phytoestrogen content. While organic, fermented soy (natto) is good, avoid conventional products like tofu, soy milk, and soy protein.
“Xeno” comes from the Greek word “xenos", which means foreign.
Xenoestrogens are foreign or synthetic compounds that disrupt the body’s endocrine system.
The most common ones are phthalates and BPA.
Phthalates interfere particularly with testosterone. These are found primarily in cosmetics. To see if your cosmetics are safe, go to ewg.org and search their database.
BPA acts like estrogen in the body and is found in food containers and can linings. When grocery shopping, make sure to buy food and beverages that are stored in glass or BPA-free containers.
PFAs are considered forever chemicals because they do not biodegrade. This means once they leave your body, they can come back.
PFAs are commonly found in:
Polyester clothing. Be especially careful of underwear and leggings, as these areas are more absorbant than others.
Nonstick pans. A single scratch on a Teflon pan releases thousands of PFAs. Throw out all your Teflon pans and replace them with stainless steel, cast iron, ceramic, or glass.
Toilet paper and tampons. Both of these product are full of forever chemicals which you are putting directly in your body. Find a natural, unbleached personal care product that has been processed minimally.
Endocrine disrupters are prevalent and in this guide I won’t be able to cover every since one. So, here’s what I recommend you do.
Audit everything that comes into contact with your body. Look at your food containers, soap, makeup, toothbrush, toothpaste, candles, dish soap… everything. Become a detective.
Then ask yourself, how much processing has this thing undergone to make it here? As a general rule of thumb, if your product looks far from its natural state, you should probably stop using it.
Now that you’re informed about what to avoid, the most impactful thing you can do is take action.
Audit your environment now while this subject is top of mind. Really think about what you’re putting in your body, and if you think it is causing harm.
Then, make some swaps. Replace your habits.
This change doesn’t have to be overnight, but making some small swaps today will give you momentum. Shortly after you do these things, you will notice improvement.
I hope you enjoyed day #1 of this miniseries.
Tomorrow’s topic is connection. I will discuss how you can properly set your circadian rhythm, get better sleep, and decrease inflammation in your body without supplements.
Until next time,
Kashif Khan
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