How Neuroplasticity Shapes Your Brain

And How To Know If You're Not Making Enough Of It

Do your thoughts run wild before bed?

Do you replay conversations in your head, imagining what you could’ve done differently?
Do you stress about things that didn’t even happen?
Do you struggle shutting off your brain, even when you’re exhausted?

If that’s the case, you probably have low BDNF.

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is an extremely important neurochemical.

It influences the regions of your brain that are associated with eating, drinking, body weight, mood balance, and even sleep. It also plays a critical role in neuroplasticity.

What is neuroplasticity?

It’s the process in which your brain adapts to change.

Neuroplasticity affects:

  • Learning and memory: Higher neuroplasticity means you learn quicker and more easily.

  • Emotional resilience: Neuroplasticity plays an important role in how resilient you are to negative events.

  • Motor skill improvement: When you practice a physical task (like playing an instrument or sport), neuroplasticity helps strengthen your neural connections and improve “muscle memory.”

  • Injury recovery: If parts of the brain are damaged (after a stroke or concussion), neuroplasticity helps the brain rewire and rebuild itself.

Your BDNF gene plays a key role in this process.

With the AA and AG versions of this gene, you produce low levels of BDNF.

This results in slower neuroplasticity and cognitive processing.

You’ll have a harder time learning new skills and processing information, but you’re much more likely to be a subject matter expert—because of your deep focus and attention to detail.

With the GG version of this gene, you produce high levels of BDNF.

Because of this, you’ll be a fast learner and a “jack of all trades.” You can pick up new skills quickly, but might not pursue them deeply. You make friends easily, enjoy trying new things, and thrive in changing environments.

This is a subject that I’m extremely passionate about.

Because genetics affect more than just than just your appearance.

Just as your parents pass down their features, hair color, and height, they also pass down their thought patterns, behaviors, and even emotional tendencies.

Think about it…

Which one of your parents do you look like? And which one do you act like?

It’s truly a fascinating topic…

Which is why I’m hosting a free Masterclass tomorrow, September 24th @7PM EST.

I’ll tell you everything about genetics, including how they shape your brain.

You’ll learn if you’re prone to be an addict, worrier, or drama queen… or destined to become an entrepreneur, warrior, or high-achiever.

Click the button below to secure your spot:

Until next time,

Kashif Khan

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease or prescribing any medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your regular healthcare provider.