The Risks of Ozempic

And natural remedies that increase GLP-1

Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, and several others have used Ozempic to lose weight.

As with most things, some people get great results while others do not.

One person will take it and get stomach paralysis.

Another will take it and lose muscle that they won’t get back.

A third person will take it, shed fat, and say it’s the best thing they ever did.

What’s going on is different people are taking a one-size-fits-all medication. And you’re hearing different stories which are all true.

The reason why people have different experiences is because of (you guessed it) genetics.

If you don’t know your DNA, you can’t predict if it will harm or help you. This makes taking Ozempic risky, given the potential side effects.

Today, I’d like to give you a few natural remedies you can try instead of Ozempic for weight loss.

First, what does Ozempic even do?

Ozempic is a semaglutide that boosts glucagon-like peptide 1, or GLP-1.

In caveman context, the GLP system is designed to shut your appetite off.

If a caveman ate something dangerous, this system would be activated and they would no longer be hungry (cavemen were sensitive enough to understand and listen to this urge).

So, the main thing Ozempic does is increase satiety and decrease appetite.

Luckily, there are numerous ways you can do this naturally.

Eat Bitter Foods

You can activate the GLP system by eating bitter foods.

If you walk around Italy in the evening, you’ll see everyone drinking digestivos after dinner. These are alcoholic drinks that are very bitter and tell the body to stop eating. This is practical in Italy because the food is typically carb-heavy. This triggers an insulin response which makes you hungry after eating.

Green tea which is naturally bitter is a great option for increasing GLP-1.

Consume Minerals

The MC4R gene is responsible for telling your brain if you’ve had enough variety of nutrition from your meals. If you haven’t had enough nutrients, you will stay hungry.

To “tell” this gene that you’ve had enough nutrients, consume some proper mineral salt such as Redmond’s after eating. Proper mineral salt is not salty but flavorful since it has many minerals.

After a meal eat ½ teaspoon of mineral salt or lick a salt block (I’m not joking) to tell your body you’ve had enough nutrients.

Understand Your Habits

If your stomach is full and you still want to eat, ask yourself, “Do I need it?”

Your food cravings could be a habit or be caused by stress. Try to audit your environment, figure out what’s going on, and change your habits.

If sitting on the couch and watching TV after dinner makes you want to eat ice cream, replace the habit with a 20-minute walk. Not only will this improve your blood sugar regulation, but help clear your mind and remove unnecessary stress.

Adding these tactics, sleeping well, and eating a clean, nutritious diet will help you lose weight without the negative side effects.

Until next time,

Kashif Khan

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