- Kashif Khan
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- 3 Pillars of Optimal Health: Connection
3 Pillars of Optimal Health: Connection
How to heal your body by connecting to the Earth
If you didn’t receive Day #1: Protection, you can read it here.
For thousands of years, humans lived connected to the Earth.
We woke up with and went to sleep with the sun and did all of our activies in nature.
Now, people live in cities, completely disconnected from the Earth and the Sun.
As a result, they can’t sleep or detox and are chronically inflamed.
In Day #2 of this miniseries, I would like to educate you on the numerous benefits of grounding and sunlight exposure. I will also share simple strategies you can use to reap their rewards (even if you live in a city).
Some people think grounding is “woo woo.” If you are one of these people, think about it this way:
For a quarter million years, people slept on the Earth.
Our bodies (which contain mostly water) and the Earth emit electricity.
Like all things we’ve been doing for millions of years, our biology anticipates that we’re going to get them. When we don’t, it causes problems.
A perfect example of this is the lack of nutrients in our soil and the problems caused by lack of nutritious food (more on that tomorrow).
Satisfying this biological need by connecting directly with the Earth comes with a multitude of benefits. Some significant ones include:
Reversal of EMF damage
Without a doubt, the best thing you can do to reverse EMF damage is grounding.
I’ve done a live blood cell analysis observing how EMFs impact the blood.
What I found was when they’re exposed to wifi for just 10 minutes, they clot and stack into coin rolls. The movement of blood, delivery of nutrition, and removal of toxins are impeded by this clotting.
Grounding resolves these coin rolls.
In this Twitter thread, you can see another live blood cell analysis where a woman tested her blood grounded versus ungrounded. Here are the results:
Blood cells with no grounding | Blood cells after 30 minutes of grounding |
pEMF, the frequency emitted by the Earth, is very healing. It passes through the body and quite literally rinses out inflammation.
Reduced inflammation
When you ground, you absorb negatively charged ions from the Earth.
These ions are natural antioxidants (more powerful than supplements) and neutralize free radicals that cause inflammation.
Grounding has also been shown to resolve inflammatory conditions such as:
Chronic Pain and Arthritis: grounding reduces inflammation, resolving chronic pain and conditions associated with it like arthritis.
Cardiovascular Disease: research suggests that grounding can reduce blood viscosity, helping resolve conditions like hypertension and coronary artery disease.
Autoimmune Diseases: grounding has been proposed to treat autoimmune diseases. Studies suggest that the anti-inflammatory effects of grounding can help conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.
Improvements in sleep
Grounding can help shift your body from fight or flight to rest and recover. Ever feel incredibly relaxed after a day at the beach? This is why.
Multiple studies have shown that grounding improves sleep quality by stabilizing cortisol levels and realigning your circadian rhythm.
How to Ground
Grounding is very simple. All you have to do is get in direct contact with the Earth. Stand outside barefoot, lie in the grass, or swim in a lake.
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I recommend you ground as much as possible. If not, you can still get many of benefits from just 30 minutes per day.
If you live in a city, a good alternative would be a grounding mat. However, you must:
Check that your outlet is grounded with a multimeter
Check that the A/C voltage on your mat is zero with a multimeter
Check that there are no high levels of electric fields with a trifield meter
This may sound complicated, but you can find these inexpensive tools at your nearest Home Depot, and there are plenty of Youtube videos explaining how you can use them.
There are many different types of mats—some are simple, some use infrared light, and some emit specific frequencies. Buy the one that suits your needs and test it using the tools I mentioned above.
Throughout history, civilizations across the globe have worshipped the sun. Ancient Egyptians referred to the sun god Ra as the father of all creation.
Many people debate how much sunlight you should get. Influencers in Costa Rica will say as much as possible, while doctors will tell you to avoid the sun entirely.
This debate is a distraction from what really matters: which type of light.
Red Light
As the sun lowers on the horizon, the light travels through more of the Earth’s atmosphere. The longer path filters out blue wavelengths, allowing red light wavelengths to pass through.
This red light penetrates deep into your skin, and is essential to good health due to its healing properties. Some benefits include:
Circadian rhythm regulation. Red light in the morning increases alertness and tells the body to wake up. In the evening, it helps your body to produce melatonin, aiding in better sleep quality.
Skin rejuvenation. Red light reduces inflammation, promotes collagen production, and accelerates the repair of damaged cells. This can be beneficial in treating acne, wrinkles, and wounds.
Mood. Morning light increases cortisol (which is a good thing at that time), norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine. This increases mood and alertness.
These benefits would be hard to replicate with supplements.
Here is a simple guide to maximizing the benefits of the sun to set your circadian rhythm:
Sunrise - 10:00am
Try to get sunlight, especially in your eyes, as soon as you can after waking. As I mentioned above, this will turn on the systems in your body that put you in a good mood. This is something you will feel within a few minutes.
Even if it’s cloudy, go outside. There is significantly more light coming through the clouds than in any indoor environment.
10:00am - 4:00pm
Mid-day sun contains the most UVA and UVB which can potentially be harmful if you are not accustomed to the sun. However, mid-day sun still has benefits on mood and hormone production.
Try to get outside during this time for at least 20 minutes. It is important to note that mid-day sun cannot replace the benefits of red light in the morning and evening. It does not have a meaningful impact on your circadian rhythm.
4:00pm - Sunset
Approach this the same way as the morning sun. Try to get as much light on your eyes and body as possible. At this time of day, red light will increase melatonin production and get you ready for bed.
Sunset - Sleep
After sunset, avoid blue lights. Blue light suppresses melatonin production, making you feel awake at the wrong time.
You can purchase blue light blockers, or even get some lights with warm/red colored bulbs.
Regularly grounding and getting red light from the sun will significantly improve your health. Prioritize these two practices as you do with supplements.
You will notice decreased inflammation, higher energy levels, and improvements in sleep quality.
I hope you enjoyed day #2 of this miniseries. Tomorrow I will be talking about nutrition: what’s going on with our food supply and how you can feed your body the right nutrients in suboptimal conditions.
See you tomorrow,
Kashif Khan
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