• Kashif Khan
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  • 3 Pillars of Optimal Health: Nutrition

3 Pillars of Optimal Health: Nutrition

How to make up for the lack of nutrients in our diets

If you haven’t read part #2, you can read it here.

In the final part of this miniseries, I want to talk about a critical issue that affects us all…

The state of our food supply and how it impacts our health.

Our modern agriculture system is broken. The food we eat today is a far cry from what our ancestors consumed.

Studies show that we’ve lost anywhere from 20-80% of the vitamin and mineral content in our soil

Why is this happening?

It all comes down to the soil.

Healthy soil is teeming with life and has its own microbiome, just like our gut.

When we practice monocrop agriculture, we pull nutrients out of the soil without putting them back in. Over time, this leads to less and less nutrient-dense food.

Big food companies are aware of this and greenwash their products to make them seem healthy.

They use buzzwords like "natural" and "organic" to make you believe that their products are just as good as what regenerative farms sell.

Don't fall for it.

The truth is, a lot of the food we eat today lacks the nutrient density and mineral richness that we need to thrive.

In this newsletter, I’m going to tell you:

  • Simple strategies you can implement to increase the nutrient density of your food

  • The biggest nutrients we’re missing and where to find them

  • How to get all the right nutrients without draining your bank account on multiple supplements

Strategies to Increase Your Nutrient Intake

What can you do to increase the nutrient density of your food?

Without changing your diet, there are two main habits you can implement today that will significantly increase the quality of your food:

Cook more.

Make it an even higher priority to cook your own food.

Not only do you have control over the quality of ingredients…

But the care you put into preparing food, versus a company trying to make money, or a chef waiting until his shift is over makes a huge difference in the final product.

Every decision you make when preparing a meal for yourself or loved ones is guided by the intention to nourish.

This is why grandma’s home cooking tastes so good—it’s made with love and care.

Find regenerative farms.

Regenerative farming is the opposite of monocropping.

These farmers put great care into rebuilding soil health and producing nutrient-rich food.

Here are some resources that will help you farms and farmer’s markets with high-quality food:

What Are We Missing?

Like I mentioned above, the food we eat lacks the nutrient density and mineral richness we need to thrive.

So, what are the main missing nutrients and how can we get them?

Vitamin D

This is the most common deficiency and can lead to weak bones, a compromised immune system, and depression.

To boost your vitamin D levels, spend more time in the sun, eat fatty fish and egg yolks, and consider supplementation (if you take supplements, make sure it is in olive oil, not seed oils).


The main mineral deficiencies we face are zinc, copper, and magnesium.

Zinc is needed for proper hormone production and neurological function. Zinc deficiency can cause hair loss and a weakened immune system.

Oysters and beef are excellent sources of zinc.

Copper is crucial for the production of energy in cells. Additionally, copper acts as an antioxidant and helps protect cells from oxidative damage. Deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue, and weak bones.

Shellfish, dark chocolate, and liver are great sources of copper.

Magnesium is essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps in maintaining normal bone density, cardiac rhythmicity, and blood pressure.

I recommend supplementing with magnesium. You can take magnesium chelate for overall wellness, bisglycinate for sleep, malate for stress, and taurate for cardiovascular health.

B9 (Folate)

Many people are deficient in most B vitamins, however, what determines this is genetics so I cannot make a recommendation for everyone.

However, everyone would benefit from getting more folate in their diet. Folate was a big part of our diets, until people began removing the fibrous parts of grain and eating less meat (cows eat foliage which converts into folate, and this is where the name comes from).

To make matters worse, folate has been replaced by folic acid which is harmful.

To get more folate in your diet, eat more beef, quinoa, and wild rice.

How to Supplement for Our Deficiencies

These vitamins and minerals aren’t extras—they’re needs.

Without them, our bodies cannot function properly and we’re not getting enough from our food.

However, I understand that you might be overwhelmed with supplements.

I’m sure the last thing you want to do is spend more money and add another supplement to your stack.

Back in September 2023 I posted a story replying to two constant requests I was getting in my DMs:

What is one supplement I can take daily to maintain optimal health? And what is the right dose for kids?

My answer was that neither existed.

I studied common all-in-one supplements and found that none of them are designed to solve today’s problem.

Lack of nutrition isn’t the only key problem—it’s also stress management, sleep, gut problems, environmental toxins, and the list goes on.

So, I made it my responsibility to make one.

I then spent months in my lab designing a formula designed to provide the nutrients and defenses that people need to be at optimal health today.

After spending hours sourcing clean ingredients, running multiple trials, and testing the results, I finally came up with the perfect blend and created Defend blend.

Defend Blend is a comprehensive supplement designed to support your body in all the ways it needs in today’s environment.

It contain optimal doses of vitamin D, zinc, copper, magnesium, and folate, in addition to:

  • 24 micronutrients to provide your body with the vitamins and minerals that are no longer in our soil

  • 15 green superfoods to help your body get rid of all the nasty lingering toxins

  • 34 fruit extracts and antioxidants to support healthy, youthful cells that manifest in outward beauty and inward health

  • 4 Pre & Probiotics to feed the good bacteria in your gut, helping you absorb nutrients and burn fat

  • 6 Organic Adaptogenic Mushrooms to make you more resilient to everyday stress and anxiety

  • 5 Digestive Enzymes to help you properly digest modern foods and get nutrients into your body

Everything that you need is in Defend Blend, in the right proportions, and most importantly, without negative contradictions.

If you’d like to try it, you can check it out here:

While researching common multivitamins, I also looked at what was available for our kids.

All I saw were candy “vitamins” and other well-marketed sugar pills.

So, I decided to make a different blend for kids because their needs are different.

For example, our kids have weaker immune systems than us.

So, I put echinacea and elderberry in Defend Blend Kidz.

These two compounds have a synergistic effect on improving their immune system. Studies have shown they are more effective than oseltamivir, an influenza medication, in treating influenza symptoms.

Not only that, but kids can be stubborn when it comes to eating nutritious food.

Giving them this blend designed to cover their bases is an easy way to keep their bodies healthy, even when they don’t feel like it.

If you want to check it out, you can do so here:

That wraps it up for the 3-Day Miniseries.

With all this new information, the most important part is taking action sooner rather than later.

If you do this, you will gain positive momentum and will be able to experience the benefits quickly.

Many of these strategies are so powerful that you will feel the benefits nearly instantly (remember how I said getting morning sun immediately boosts your mood and energy levels?).

Remember that the hardest part is doing it the first time. Everything after that will be easier.

All three articles will be in my newsletter archive, which you can find at kashif.beehiiv.com.

Until next time,

Kashif Khan

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your regular health care provider.