How I Overcame My Terrible Genetics

And How You Can Too

Many people have told me they’re afraid to get their DNA tested.

Not because they think we’re going to abuse their data (more on that here)…

But because they think they have bad genetics, and would rather not know.

Now, this is a great point.

We all know that our thoughts—good or bad—trigger real, physiological effects.

In the Placebo Effect study by Dr. Henry Beecher during World War II, injured soldiers were given fake morphine injections when supplies ran out. Many soldiers reported pain relief, despite not being given anything that actually relieved pain.

But here’s the thing—unless you’re in perfect health, not knowing your genes will do more harm than good.

The reason why is you’re left to guess why certain things feel harder for you. Whether it’s struggling with energy, mood, weight loss, or motivation—without the right knowledge you’re navigating blindly.

I personally have terrible genetics.

My brain genes are that of a drug addict.

I barely feel pleasure or reward, and once I do, the feeling is gone. Then I want that hit again. And again. And again…

My family members, who have the same genes went down different paths. They turned to drugs and alcohol for their dopamine hit.

So what sets me apart?

I understand exactly how my brain works, and use my genes to my advantage.

Another example is my detox genes.

I am completely missing the gene that removes toxins from the gut. This means I am sensitive to many foods that contain toxins that my gut cannot remove.

For years, I had no idea and would frequently eat these foods. This resulted in a fog of low energy that I experienced all the time.

I didn’t even realize the fog was there, until I got incredibly sick and was forced to change things.

Then, it quite literally felt like a gigantic weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Now, I never eat those foods. I only do things my body is designed for, and am perfectly healthy.

To be frank, I don’t think or worry about my health that much.

I know precisely what my body needs, so staying healthy is a matter of knowing what’s good and bad for my body, and either doing or not doing those things.

Think of it this way.

Knowing your DNA is like having a GPS.

Imagine trying to drive without one. You’d be completely lost—you’d constantly end up in the wrong places, hit dead ends, and probably never get to your destination.

With a GPS, you’d instantly identify the most efficient way to get to your destination, and get there without even thinking about it.

You can’t change your DNA, but changing how you use it is like having a superpower.

Join my Live To 120 Masterclass and we’ll take you there.

We’ll test your DNA and build you a personalized blueprint—tailored to literally everything about you. You’ll understand your strengths, weaknesses, how you think, and how your body works.

We’ll unveil the steps needed to bring about your success. Whether that be in business, optimal health, family, or more.

Don’t fear knowledge. As Marie Curie once said…

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we fear less.”

Click the button below to take the first step.

Until next time,

Kashif Khan

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease or prescribing any medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your regular healthcare provider.