Stop Wearing Sunglasses

They're Causing Serious Health Consequences

You need to stop wearing sunglasses.

Sunlight is the most fundamental force behind your body’s vitality.

And blocking it will lead to serious health consequences.

This might seem unimportant, but—trust me—it’ll make a difference.

Let me explain…

Wearing sunglasses causes skin cancer.

By interfering with the body’s natural production of melanin.

Melanin is a pigment in the skin that protects you from sunburn. This pigment absorbs and dissipates UV rays, preventing them from penetrating skin and causing DNA damage. Unsurprisingly, it’s produced in response to UV exposure from sunlight.

Wearing sunglasses gives your brain incorrect signals about the environment. It tricks the brain into thinking it’s in a dim setting, which suppresses your body’s melanin production.

This is extremely dangerous.

(Direct Sunlight) ➕ (No UV Signal To The Brain) ➕ (No Melanin Production)

🟰 Severe Skin Damage

Which over time, results in the development of skin cancer.

Sunglasses impair your melatonin production and immune system function.

By blocking essential rays of sunlight.

Viewing the full spectrum of sunlight (UVAs, UVBs, red & infrared light) is essential for the function of your pineal gland—a tiny organ located deep within the brain.

The pineal gland is responsible for your body’s melatonin production (click here for information on melatonin), which plays a crucial role in regulating sleep-wake cycles, supporting healthy hormone production, and enhancing immune system function.

Blocking the full spectrum of sunlight will disrupt all of these processes.

Finally, sunglasses cause premature aging.

Every cell in our body communicates with other cells through the use light.

And without exposure to the full spectrum of sunlight, cells become less efficient at communicating—which leads to several negative effects…

  1. Premature aging: The reduction in cellular regeneration accelerates the aging process—causing weakened skin, reduced energy levels, and drained vitality.

  2. Weakened immune function: Poor cellular communication compromises your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to infections and chronic disease.

  3. Impaired healing: Cells struggle to repair and respond to injuries effectively.

Just imagine a plant placed in a dark cellar. It withers, weakens, and loses life.

The same is true for humans.

You need to expose yourself to the full spectrum of sunlight.

And sunglasses are stopping you from doing so.

You don’t need to throw them in the trash, but make sure to prioritize full-body sun exposure. Especially on your skin and in your eyes (but don’t look directly at the sun).

Until next time,

Kashif Khan

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease or prescribing any medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your regular healthcare provider.